‘Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray.’


This entry was posted on Monday, February 6th, 2006 at 9:32 pm and is filed under General. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “Quote for the Day”

Dennie Says:

There is nothing silent in my life… But I like the thought!

Mik Says:

What I really love is Gerard Butler. Do you think he could silently draw me away? 😉

Voodoo Says:

THIS IS WONDERFUL! I will use it forever! Thanks!

Sandy Says:

Dennie: Okay, then go kicking and screaming to what you really love to do! :thumbsup:

Mik: Mmmm…two words. Any. Time.

Voodoo: No problem!

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